Ghouls and Goodies Charm Pack, by Stacy Iest Hsu, for Moda Fabrics.
Something scary, something sweet. Inspired by trick or treating and all the festivities around Halloween, this collection is sure to get you in the spirit. From creepy spiders to scary costumes, this collection is perfect for your next spooky project. Purples, oranges, blacks and greys make this collection feel festive and fun.
This charm pack contains 42 squares of fabric measuring 5" by 5" each. The edges of each square are pinked to minimize fraying. Some prints may be duplicated to include a total of 42 squares. See the additional photos for a peek at some of the prints. This five-inch charm pack is exactly one quarter the size of a ten-inch layer cake. Please see the last photo for a comparison of the candy pack (top) to the standard charm pack (middle) and layer cake (bottom).
100% cotton fabric.